
Dear friends,

We welcome you to join us on our pilgrimage with Elias Tours to visit the Holy Land in June 2024. It has been said that the Holy Land is the “Fifth gospel”. When we visit the places where King David, Mary Magdalene, Isaiah, Paul, and Jesus walked we get a deeper understanding of scripture and the story of God. It is deeply profound to stand in a place and know that you are at the place where the events of the Bible actually happened.

Imagine what it is like to sail on the Sea of Galilee where Peter used to fish. Ask yourself what prayers you might offer up at the Western Wall of the Temple where millions have prayed before you. Think about what it will be like to visit Calvary where Jesus was crucified and pray in the tomb of Jesus’ resurrection. These are just some of the experiences and blessings we will have on our journey.

Elias Tours also introduces us to the people of the Holy Land. We will meet our Christian sisters and brothers who have been following Jesus in that place, since the time of Jesus. You will experience from the people of the Holy Land a hospitality and welcome which is like no other.  You will come as a guest but leave as friends.

Traveling to the Holy Land is a life-changing experience. I would like to invite you to join us as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus and stand in the places where the Bible happened.

May God bless you and we hope you will be able to join us.

+Pastor Michael L. Rhyne
  Tour Leader


  • Tour departs on June 18, 2023 and returns on June 27, 2024

  • Departure airport: Boston, MA (BOS)


  • $3,495.00 per person based on double occupancy - book now as space is limited!

  • Single room supplement - $790.00

  • Land only (if booking your own flights) - $2,345.00 (airfare credit $1,150.00)

  • Optional post-trip extension to Jordan (June 27-30, 2024) - $790.00


  • $300.00 per person with registration to secure space

  • $1,000.00 of the total amount is due on or before January 5, 2024

  • Balance due on or before March 5, 2024


  • Registering online? Click the "BOOK NOW" button and fill out the online form; you can pay by check or with a credit card (4% platform fee applies)

  • Registering by mail? Please download and complete the registration form (both the personal information page and the terms and conditions page signed at the bottom) with a copy of your passport and a deposit of $300.00 per person made payable to Elias Tours and mail to: 4941 Chalden Ln NE, Marietta, GA 30066

  • Download the Registration Form


Flight information will be available 3 months before the return date. Please continue to check the itinerary on the website for updated flight information.

* Flight times, flight numbers, equipment, gates, and seats are subject to change. For the most current information check the airline website.

For more information, contact us at info@eliastours.com or (406) 261-7791


June 18 - 27, 2024 Available on request Holy Land

What is included in the tour

  • Airfare from Boston Logan, MA (BOS). - Other cities available
  • 8 nights in 4-star hotels (Double Occupancy)
  • Breakfast, and Dinner daily 
  • Entrance fee to all sites
  • All ground transportation in a private tour bus

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Gratuities for Guide and Driver
  • Personal Expenses
  • Lunch
  • TRAVEL INSURANCE: Travel Insurance is required and not included in the purchase price. For your convenience, we offer travel insurance through Travelex Insurance Services. For questions, quotes, or to purchase travel insurance, visit Travelex Insurance or call (800) 228-9792 and use the code 26-0057 for Elias Tours.


Day 1, June 18: Departure from the USA

Depart from the US for your overnight flight to the Holy Land. Meals will be served on board.

Day 2, June 19: Arrival – Tel Aviv

We arrive at Ben Gurion airport and depart northward to our hotel for one night in the coastal area near Tel Aviv to start off the journey of visiting the Holy Land. The remainder of the day is free to walk along the Mediterranean, relax and dine in our hotel in Tel Aviv.

Day 3, June 20: Mt. Carmel – Caesarea – Nazareth – Cana – Tiberias

After breakfast, we will travel by private motorcoach along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to Caesarea (included), where the Gentiles first heard the Good News from Peter and were baptized. We’ll see the Roman Amphitheatre and aqueduct. Visit Mount Carmel, Muhraqa the Place of Fire, and consider the contest between the Prophet Elijah and the false prophets of Baal (I Kings 18), discussing the reasons why the Prophet chose that place for the contest, and the lessons we learn from the story. Afterward, we will go to Nazareth where we visit the Basilica of the Annunciation, we will also visit the Church of St. Joseph. We end our day with a visit to Cana of Galilee where Jesus performed his first miracle,  Drive to Tiberias for dinner and overnight.                                                                                                     

Day 4, June 21: Caesarea Philippi – Golan Heights – Mt. Arbel – Valley of Doves – Sea of Galilee.                      We will start our day with a visit to Caesarea Philippi at the sources of the river Jordan where Peter confessed that Jesus is the Messiah, then we would return to the Sea of Galilee via the Golan Heights with a stop overlooking the Road to Damascus. On to Mount Arbel lookout overlooking the ancient road from Nazareth to Galilee with a possible hike on a part of Jesus Trail. We will then carry on to the Valley of the Doves and travel along the ancient road that leads from Nazareth to the Sea of Galilee along the Via Maris. Dinner and overnight in Tiberias.

Day 5, June 22: Sea of Galilee – Magdala – Capernaum​ – Mount of Beatitudes​

We will start the day with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, followed by a visit to the Ancient Boar Museum that houses a 2000-year-old fishing boat found buried in mud on the shores of Galilee The boat provides a good example of how fishing boats looked like during the time of Jesus. Then we will visit Magdala, the hometown of Mary Magdalene, and see the 1st-century synagogue, which is the oldest synagogue discovered on the shores of Galilee with a stone-carved replica of the Temple and Menorah. We will then take a short drive to Capernaum, the biblical village and hometown of Jesus. Capernaum is closely associated with Jesus and His ministry as described in the Synoptic Gospels. There we will see the house of the mother-in-law of Peter and an ancient synagogue that dates back to the time of Jesus and where much of His teaching took place. St. Peter’s fish At noon, we will drive to Tabgha on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus fed the crowd of 5,000. We will then visit the site known as “Peter’s Primacy” where Jesus appeared to His disciples for the third time after His Resurrection. Later we will continue to the Mount of Beatitudes, the scene of Jesus’ great Sermon on the Mount. We will enjoy the view of the enchanting gardens and reflect on Jesus’ sermon. We will also have time for prayer and reflection, Dinner, and overnight in Tiberias.

Day 6, June 23: Jordan Valley – Jacobs Well – Shepherds Field – Bethlehem – ELCJHL

After breakfast, we will drive through the Jordan valley, on to Nablus, visit ancient Shechem saddled between Mt Ebal and Mt Gerizim, and visit the ruins of the city dating back to the time of Jacob and Joshua where we see the high place of the city and the city gates. Nearby we visit Jacobs well where Jesus encountered the Samaritan women. Drive to Bethlehem to visit Shepherd's Fields where the angels appeared to the shepherds announcing the birth of Our Lord. These fields are also the setting of the Book of Ruth. After lunch (on your own), we will travel to the Church of the Nativity and view the place where Our Lord was born. check-in at our hotel, dinner, and overnight in Bethlehem.

Day 7, June 24: Augusta Victoria Hospital, LWF – Mt. of Olives – Mt. Zion – Meet Bishop Azar – ELCJHL

We will start our day with Augusta Victoria to witness the work of the Lutheran World Federation in health and education. Later we will enjoy the panoramic view from the top of Mount of Olives then we continue to the Church of the Ascension and the Church of the Pater Noster, and down to Dominus Flevit and St. Magdalene Church. Pray at the Garden of Gethsemane and visit the Church of All Nations. In the afternoon, we visit. St. Peter in Galicantu where Jesus was denied by St. Peter. Then we will visit the Upper Room, the place of the Last Supper, and King David’s Tomb. Back to our hotel for dinner and overnight in Bethlehem.                                                               

Day 8, June 25: Wadi Qelt – St George Monastery – Baptismal site – Jericho – Qumran – Dead Sea                       This morning we depart Bethlehem, traveling along the Judean wilderness where Jesus fasted for 40 days, l along the ancient road passing the good Samaritan inn. Reaching Wadi Qelt we enjoy a view of St George’s Monastery nestled in the wilderness. Carry on along the ancient road reaching Jericho passing along Herod’s Winter Palace where the infamous King died in the year 4 BC and probably was the background setting for the parable of the prodigal son. Prior to visiting Jericho, we head to visit Bet Arabah where John baptized Jesus. The site is also known as the “Place of Crossing”. The Israelites. From Bethabara we will drive to the city of Jericho. We will see Tel Jericho, the old town of Joshua, and see the excavations of the ancient city, view the Mount of Temptation will also be insight. We will then drive to Qumran and visit the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were accidentally found and the buildings that formed the public canter of the Essenes. Then we will proceed to the Dead Sea where we can enjoy a dip in the relaxing and healing waters of the Dead Sea. Dinner and overnight in Bethlehem.

Day 9, June 26: Temple Mt – Pool of Bethesda – Via Dolorosa – Holy Sepulcher – Jerusalem

This morning after breakfast, We will walk the Via Dolorosa, the traditional path that Jesus walked from the Antonia Fortress to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher visiting Golgotha and the Empty Tomb. We will visit the Jewish Quarter and go to the Western Wall, a section of the Western retaining wall of the Temple Mount, and Judaism’s holiest site. visit the temple Mount, where the Jewish temple stood until its destruction in 70 A.D, and see the Dome of the Rock, a possible location of the Holy of Holies. On to visit St Anne’s church and a visit to nearby Pools of Bethesda where the healing at the pool took place. dinner and overnight in Bethlehem                                                             

Day 10, June 27: Departure Tel Aviv to the US

We check out and depart our hotel for our return home. We will arrive on the same day.


Day 10, June 27: Jordan –  Mt. Nebo – Petra

After breakfast, we depart to cross the border to Jordan. We visit Mt. Nebo, the place where prophet Mousa (Moses) gazed over the Promised Land before he died. We visit an old monastery and enjoy a view of the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and parts of the Holy Land. Then we continue to drive towards Petra for a traditional Bedouin Dinner & overnight.

Day 11, June 28: Full day Petra – Amman

After breakfast, we visit the Site of Petra, the 2,000-year-old Nabatean city featured in the movie “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. We walk through the narrow passageway up to the treasury, a massive royal tomb carved out of solid rock. In the afternoon we transfer to Amman for dinner and overnight.

Day 12, June 29: Amman – Jerash

After breakfast at the hotel, we visit Jerash, north of the capital Amman. Inhabited since the Bronze Age, it’s known for the ruins of the walled Greco-Roman settlement of Gerasa (one of the cities of Decapolis). These include the 2nd-century Hadrian’s Arch, the Corinthian columns of the Temple of Artemis, and the huge Forum’s oval colonnade. We then return to Amman for dinner and overnight.

Day 13, June 30: Arrive USA

We enjoy breakfast at the hotel, then check out and transfer to the airport for our flight back to the USA.


NOTE: The schedule is subject to change, due to various factors, and at your Tour Leaders and Guide’s discretion.